Key Issues

Defend Women's Rights

Committed to protecting the rights and freedoms of all women in Iowa.

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Make Doing Business Easier

Streamlining regulations to help local businesses thrive.

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Protect Our Environment

Ensuring a sustainable future for generations to come.

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Simplified Basic Income

Human beings have a right to exist and live healthy lives. But government assistance programs are bloated, inefficient, and riddled with bureaucracy. SNAP, WIC, and similar programs require endless paperwork and are often subject to allegations of exploitation. Instead of maintaining a complicated welfare system that fails those who need it most, we will replace it with a direct, no-nonsense approach: a universal $250 monthly cash payment for any adult Iowan making under $10,000 a year.

No forms, no loopholes—just a straightforward system. Eligibility is verified every three months through a simple in-person ID and thumbprint check. Parents of children under 6 receive an additional $150 per month, because raising healthy kids is our government's top priority, and our policies should reflect that.

  • All banks and credit unions will be required to offer a zero-overdraft, no fee account for this money.
  • Money goes directly to those who need it, with no strings attached.
  • In person office check-ins, every three months, will be mandatory at every city hall. The system will be simple and efficient.

End Zoning Laws

Zoning laws aren’t about protecting communities—they exist to entrench the power of landlords and established interests while making it harder for new businesses, housing, sustainable energy projects, and other development to take root. They stifle innovation, drive up costs, and prevent people from using their own land as they see fit.

Instead of restricting development with outdated regulations, we will eliminate zoning laws and replace them with common-sense nuisance controls. The government’s role should be to prevent harm, not block progress.

  • Noise violations and genuine disturbances will face increased fines, such as noise over 75 decibles over 50 feet away being fined $300. Exemptions for construction projects as appropriate.
  • Only businesses with over 10 simultaneous customers will be subject to location-based regulations. No city should be allowed to prevent you from having a home-based accounting business.
  • Property owners will have the freedom to build homes, businesses, and solar projects without interference.

Safer Public Schools

Public schools should be a place to learn, not survive. Too many students are stuck in schools that are failing, violent, or just plain bad, with no way out. We will fix this by giving students and parents real choices. If your school is unsafe, failing to teach, or just a mess—you should have the option to leave.

We will expand homeschooling and online school options for students who don’t want to be trapped in broken schools. And we are done tolerating violent students. Any student with a record of violence or repeated serious disruptions can be placed in a separate alternative program, where they don’t have to drag down the rest of the school.

  • Students in failing, violent, or dysfunctional schools will have the option to transfer or enroll in homeschooling/online programs.
  • Violent or disruptive students will not be forced into normal classrooms—alternative programs will be available.
  • Public schools will be held to a higher standard—no more excuses for failing to teach students properly.

Higher Taxes on Unused Land and Buildings

Empty buildings and abandoned lots destroy communities. Meanwhile, mega-landlords and real estate investors sit on empty properties, waiting for the market to go up. This is land hoarding, and it’s strangling development, housing, and small businesses. If you own land or buildings and refuse to use them, you will pay for it.

We will introduce heavy taxes on abandoned properties and long-term vacant land, forcing owners to either sell, develop, or pay. No more dead malls, no more decaying city centers, no more landlords holding homes hostage to jack up rent prices.

  • 20% property tax increase for buildings left vacant for over 1 year.
  • 50% increase if the building is empty for over 5 years.
  • Land not owned by an individual person will face double property taxes on unused lots.
  • Residential landlords leaving apartments empty for over 6 months will be taxed on each vacant unit.
  • Government can seize long-abandoned properties (10+ years unpaid) and convert them into housing or community spaces.

If you want to sit on land and do nothing with it, you’ll pay for the privilege. If you want to contribute to the community, we’ll make it easier for you. The choice is yours.

Fight the Billionaires and Mega Corporations

The ultra-rich and mega-corporations have rigged the system to maximize their wealth and control, leaving the rest of us struggling. Billionaires like Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk grow richer by exploiting workers, driving down wages, and automating jobs while ordinary people fight to make ends meet.

From skyrocketing grocery prices to crushing student debt, the deck is stacked against working families. Corporations profit from stolen data, lock us into subscriptions, and push for office returns to maintain control, all while ignoring the cost to mental health and community wellbeing.

  • I will fight to hold billionaires and corporations accountable through fair taxation and labor protections.
  • I will push for laws that prevent monopolies and support small businesses.
  • I will advocate for universal healthcare, affordable education, and a livable minimum wage.

Defend Women's Rights

Eighteen states in America, including Iowa, ban abortions even in cases of rape, sexual assualt, incest, or risk to the life of the mother. I can't believe that in America we still need to say this: women are not property and you can not force a woman to carry a child for 9 months. Infants die at higher rates after abortion bans. What the fuck is wrong with this country.

In many states, women can't get a divorce without a waiting period - even in cases of serious abuse and violence, these women are made to live in terror. Fuck that shit.

  • I will codify abortion as a right for the health, safety, and equality of women.
  • I will guarantee the right to divorce for all women, especially domestic violence sufferers.
  • I will fund programs and shelters for victims of abuse..

Protect Our Farmlands

Iowa’s farmlands are the lifeblood of our state, feeding not only America but communities worldwide. Yet, corporate interests threaten our farmers by polluting rivers, depleting soil, and turning fertile land into industrial zones. They promise prosperity but leave farmers with lower yields and higher costs.

It's time we put our farmers first, preserve our rich soil, and protect our waterways. We cannot let out-of-state corporations strip Iowa's land for profit. Let's fight for policies that protect our fields and keep our farming heritage alive.

Make Doing Business Easier

Ryan aims to reform government systems to streamline business operations in Iowa. This includes improving the child support payment system that employers handle for employees, modernizing unemployment insurance processes, and embracing technological advancements to make Iowa a more business-friendly state. His vision is to reduce red tape and foster innovation for all businesses.

  • I will simplify the process of starting a business and getting licensed in Iowa.
  • I will eliminate burdensome local ordinances when those cities fail to show their effectiveness.
  • I will make paying garnishments, like child support, easier for employers who have employee garnishments.

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