Debunking Fake Left-Wing Positions
Uncovering myths often attributed to left-wing views that most progressives do not actually support.
Voting without ID
The idea that progressives want to allow people without identification to vote is absurd, and is pushed by fake people pretending to be progressive. A driver's license or social security card should be mandatory for voting - and already is mandatory in 90% of the country.
Plastic Straws
The idea of a "carbon footprint" was invented by gasoline companies to make people think that individuals are responsible for climate change and pollution - when 90% of pollution, greenhouse gasses, and climate change is caused by major corporations who don't care about the environment. I don't give a fuck about plastic straws, use them all you want to. They want us to waste time bickering about small little pieces of pollution, when instead we should hold large corporations responsible for the pollution and damages they cause.
Transgender Rights
Politicians are using transgender people in sports as a wedge issue on which they could make a “reasonable” argument, but when have any conservative types cared about women’s sports besides beach volleyball? These people were all using slurs to talk about female athletes until five seconds ago.
Many reasonable people, including a lot of pro-trans organizations, do think there are potentially legitimate issues here. But a big reason conservatives are pushing the issue is that public ideas about who counts as masculine rely heavily on appearance. The result is that getting people to care about this is a tool for enforcing stricter gender presentation norms, even on cisgendered women. You saw that this past summer with the cisgendered Olympic boxer widely accused of being trans simply because she had a more traditionally masculine appearance.
That isn’t an accident. The political movement driving this stuff is driven at the highest levels by people who are genuinely angry that women won’t sleep with them and blame liberals and queer people for it. They feel it is important to reassert male authority over resources to fix that “problem.” Strict enforcement of gender presentation like this goes hand in hand with things like defunding pre-K (and thus forcing women to stay home and take care of their young children): the goal is to make it difficult for women to make their own choices in life without male oversight. The sports issue works as a wedge to this precisely because they can cloak it in the language of women’s rights.
The majority of transgender people are trans-men: people who were called female at birth, but transitioned to present as male. Studies have shown this is often due to the danger and discrimination that they faced as young women. Progressives would actually make being a woman safer, by codifying equal rights and anti-harassment laws. As for transgender women - those who were born as men - most transgender women do not care if they have to use the men's restroom, not the women's - and any who do are pushing a bad-faith agenda.
Abolish All Private Property?
Progressives argue for a higher tax on wealthy individuals - those who are worth TEN MILLION or more. This has nothing to do with abolishing "private property", but many pundits try to push the belief that progressives want to "take your stuff".
Open Borders with No Immigration Control
Right-wing regressives claim that progressives will freely allow anyone into the country - nothing could be further from the truth. Progressives strongly advocate for a path to citizenship for smart and capable individuals - doctors, scientists, and engineers. We also argue that families shouldn't be split up, if the majority of the family are already citizens. Most progressives will agree that immigrants with a criminal record should be deported.
"Leftists Want to Ban All Guns"
Many leftists support common-sense gun laws to reduce gun violence - like not allowing domestic violence offenders have a gun. This is not a complete ban on firearms. Measures like universal background checks are widely supported - but many states have zero background checks at all, allowing criminals to buy guns.
Leftists Believe in Unlimited Government Control
This is conflating the idea that progressives want people to have healthcare and safety with the idea that the government should control your life. Progressives support movements like Medicare for All - which countless studies have shown will cost 20-30% less than the current profit-driven insurance system.
Leftists Don’t Support Family Values
Progressive strongly advocate for families and children - far more than republicans. Policies like paid parental leave, affordable childcare, and healthcare to support families of all kinds are left-leaning policies.
Leftists Are Anti-Free Speech
Free speech is a fundamental value to all progressives.
"Leftists Want to Defund All Police"
Many leftists call for reallocating some police funding towards community services, but this is not the same as wanting to abolish police entirely. The vast majority of all local government budgets go towards the police departments, who are badly equipped for some of the tasks they are sent to support, such as domestic incidents. The goal is to address root causes of crime through social services, not eliminate law enforcement.
Leftists Are Against Religious Freedom
Many republicans would be FURIOUS if Muslim prayers were required in their schools, but then they place the ten commandments at schools. Progressives believe in a separation between church and state, so that everyone is free to practice their religious beliefs.
Leftists Want To Raise Taxes for Everyone
Leftists generally support progressive taxation, where the wealthiest pay more, not raising taxes across the board. The focus is on ensuring that those with higher incomes contribute fairly to social programs and infrastructure.
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