Billionaires and mega-corporations are stealing from all of us. For decades, politicians have promised relief while quietly shifting the tax burden away from the ultra-wealthy and onto working people. The result? Stagnant wages, skyrocketing costs, and a system rigged against everyday Iowans.
While CEOs pocket massive bonuses, workers are told to “tighten their belts.” While corporations cut benefits, workers are told to be grateful for scraps. The rich want you divided, afraid, and powerless—but when workers organize, they win. That’s why billionaires and their political puppets have spent decades attacking unions and passing laws to weaken worker power.
It’s time to put an end to union-busting, protect workers' pensions, and force corporations to share their record profits with the people who actually create them.
Companies spend millions every year hiring “union avoidance consultants” whose entire job is to intimidate, threaten, and lie to workers. Anti-union laws have made it easier for corporations to break up organizing efforts and harder for workers to fight back.
I will ban union-busting tactics, strengthen worker protections, and give unions the legal backing they need to organize without fear of retaliation.
Right now, companies use a divide-and-conquer strategy: one factory gets a union contract, another down the road gets nothing. This forces workers to fight each other for scraps while corporations play favorites.
I will push for industry-wide union contracts, so that when one shop wins better wages and benefits, every worker in that industry benefits—not just a lucky few.
Corporate profits are at record highs, but wages have barely budged. While executives rake in massive bonuses, workers are expected to survive on wages that don’t keep up with inflation.
I will fight for higher wages across all unionized industries, ensuring that corporations can’t hoard profits while workers struggle to pay their bills.
CEOs and corporate boards have stolen billions from worker pensions—sometimes legally, sometimes through outright fraud. Workers who gave their lives to a company are left with nothing while the executives responsible walk away with golden parachutes.
I will push for criminal penalties for any executive who misuses or underfunds pension funds. If you steal from workers, you should go to jail. Simple as that.
The average CEO now makes over 350 times what their workers earn. That’s not a free market—it’s theft. Executives hoard wealth while telling workers to “be patient” and “work harder.” Meanwhile, workers who create the actual value get nothing.
I will fight to cap CEO pay at a reasonable multiple of their lowest-paid employees’ wages. If a company has money for billion-dollar bonuses, it has money to pay its workers fairly.
The right to strike is fundamental, but companies and politicians have spent decades trying to make it illegal. From banning sympathy strikes to passing laws that punish workers for collective action, they’ve done everything they can to rig the system.
I will fight to fully legalize strikes, secondary strikes, and boycotts. If a company mistreats its workers, you should have every right to shut it down until they do the right thing.
The billionaires and their politician friends have spent decades trying to weaken unions because they know that when workers stand together, they win. My campaign is about fighting back—strengthening unions, raising wages, and holding corporate criminals accountable.