Ryan Kopf's Blog

Rumors about Ryan KopfJun 16, 22 10am

Let's just say you were in my shoes and you had false allegations lobbied against you. And every year these same rumors grow and they morph and they change, and every year they get more untruthful. Last year these vague accusations against me were a sexual assault thing.

Regarding Online Articles About Ryan KopfJun 14, 22 4pm

My entire goal in organizing conventions is to support nerds like myself. I grew up in a high school like any other, where playing sports and partying made you cool and getting a high GPA made you a total dork.

Charity of the month: St. Jude'sAug 20, 21 6pm

So this month's charity highlight is St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital. St. Jude's has over a billion dollars in annual expenses that funds research, doctors, patient services, and more. In fact it is around the 5th or 6th largest charity in the US.

Charity of the Month: Unicorn RiotJun 19, 21 7pm

Mostly I use my blog to talk about my work, conventions, and anime things, but from time to time I like to focus on bringing attention to causes and charities I care about, and I plan to write monthly about a charity that you can support along with the good work they're doing.

Every episode of Kitchen Nighmares EVERApr 29, 21 12am

Here's every episode of Kitchen Nightmares EVER. All in just a couple of minutes. Awesome. https://www.youtube.com/watch.v=Dma81q8YxoI You donkey.

Be a Grepper. Use Grep -IR to search inside files on Linux and Ubuntu.Dec 8, 20 6pm

I've always found it challenging to remember the specific syntax of commands I don't use very frequently. You would think GREP might be one of them - as when editing code you often have to find a specific sentence or phrase and GREP is the linux tool for doing so.

Where is the best place to buy anime online?Nov 23, 20 4pm

Why am I writing about buying anime. Well, because I'm an anime otaku of course. Everything anime has been my life since a young age, and all my friends have come from the world of anime and anime conventions too.

Japanese Drinking CultureNov 15, 20 10am

Do you like to drink. Do you like Japanese culture. Do you like just one or the other. Or are you a person of culture who likes both.. If so, I have some excellent information to share with you. Here's an excerpt from my book on speaking Japanese, about Japan's drinking culture.

Why I recommend solar energyJun 7, 20 2am

I recommend anyone who owns their own home gets solar panels installed in their house right now. Well not IN your house - more like ON or NEAR your house, but still, the sentiment is what matters. You need solar panels.

Learn Japanese the Easy Way: Through My Adventures in JapanMay 7, 20 7am

I wrote a little bit about my new method to learn Japanese - the same way that young children in America are learning Spanish and English at the same time - through commingling this new language with the language you are already familiar with.
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