Ryan Kopf's Blog

Installing rails updates.Jul 28, 14 4am

Bundler doesn't do a good job of installing a lot of dependencies, which is likely a result of running bundler as a regular user yet needing to install system files as a sudo-wielding administrator. sudo apt-get install imagemagick libmagickcore-dev libmagickwand-dev Helps install RMagick.

AnimeCon.org platform being updated.Jul 27, 14 3am

What started as a few simple news websites and my own personal website has evolved into a solid platform hosting an anime dating website, a huge list of conventions, and the best registration system in the world.

Anime Midwest 2014 ReviewedJul 19, 14 5pm

Anime Midwest this month was one of the most exciting conventions to be a part of, ever. We had tons of things happening, we grew by 3,000 attendees, and everyone had a really awesome time. One review gave us an awesome 9.

Starting Cons on KickStarterJul 15, 14 12pm

It appears that more and more conventions lately have been trying to get off the ground using Kickstarter or the less famous IndieGogo to raise funds to start their conventions. And more and more are not getting anywhere, because what Kickstarter and IndieGogo are very good at is in hiding their failed attempts and spotlighting successful projects.

Anime Midwest attack on Tokyo Part 2Feb 28, 14 4am

I recommend watching in HD. There's a lot of us talking, but you'll see a little bit of videos of a sushi place, the maid cafe, McDelivery, and some other cool/unique Japanese quirky things. In this video we look at some Japanese vending machines and some awesome things exclusive to Japan like McDonald's McDelivery.

First Days in Tokyo AgainFeb 24, 14 9am

Erica (VP), Zio (Guest DH), and Ryan (Me), are in Tokyo for Anime Japan. But why not come early and explore Tokyo on the cheap. We can learn the real truth behind things like: Karaoke, Maid Cafes, and cosplay.

Less Facebook Is GoodFeb 9, 14 7pm

As a person with an infinitely flexible schedule, here is what I've learned by taking a break from Facebook for a couple days: Do it. Facebook is addictive, but you don't get much more than a very minimal level of entertainment from it.

Epic Guest List in ChicagoJan 31, 14 7pm

I'm really excited for this year, as we have such an epic guest list in Chicago. We have more guests than ever - SPG, Greg Ayres, Caitlin Glass, Frenchy and the Punk, and tons more. We've also got at least two more surprise guests still to be announced.

MaiOtaku surpasses 20,000 users this yearDec 29, 13 6pm

MaiOtaku, the world's greatest and fastest growing dating site and social network for anime fans, surpassed the 20,000+ user mark this year, making MaiOtaku one of the top active websites for anime fans in the world.

Happy New YearDec 27, 13 4am

Hope you all have a wonderful upcoming new year. Every year brings with it new challenges and new opportunities, and I suggest making a list of all the things you might be looking forward to next year.
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