Ryan Kopf's Blog

What I would do if I won $636 million.Dec 17, 13 5pm

Everyone on the news is talking about the giant lottery jackpot tonight. Anyone who buys a lottery ticket is buying into the hope and excitement of what you could do with $636 million dollars. People talk about taking vacations, investing, their taxes, but nobody seems to have a very good plan.

New story pages addedDec 17, 13 5pm

New pages to the AnimeCon.org story have been added on the main website. AnimeCon.org/story Read to see the beginning of our crazy adventure... I can't really say much more, since only 10 pages are published so far, but the rest of it (secret) is so cool.

Con Alt Delete is coming up!Dec 4, 13 9am

Con Alt Delete is our epic new anime convention in Chicago. We're excited to be hosting one more con at the Sheraton Lisle (formerly Wyndham) that held the super successful Anime Midwest 2012. The hotel staff were all very friendly and accommodating, and the space is the perfect size for about 1,500 people.

Tracking expenses is a pain.Sep 13, 13 11am

If you ever decide to go into business (which I actually do recommend, but only for those with patience and a lot of forethought), you'll quickly learn one of the most complicated and time consuming parts of running your organization is not the day-to-day work.

I make $500 a month from adsense... and keep none.Sep 3, 13 5pm

On any given month, I make an average of $500 from Google Adsense alone. This type of "passive income" is supposed to be free money, right. Right. That's what all the internet told me. Well, I did a little investigating to see where it all really goes, and I'm finding that, well, it gets eaten by the expenses monster.

More convention stuff.Aug 24, 13 1am

This year's Meta Con is going to be one of the coolest geek conventions ever organized. With guests like Billy West and Eric Roberts, we're expecting it to turn out pretty awesome. We've got new signs for every panel/event room, and I just ordered a bunch of stands to put them on.

More website optimizing for RailsAug 23, 13 6am

I updated a little more code on most of my websites today, hopefully making them another 3-4% faster. The number one optimization for 90% of websites doesn't involve complex fine-tuning of the database, but instead fixing bad code.

Optimizing MySQLAug 20, 13 4pm

Aside from part-time robot engineer, convention organizer, and a billion other things, I'm also sometimes a DBA (database administrator). It's a big deal. Walk into a Vegas casino, tell them you're a DBA, and see the looks you get.

Replace bad drivers with robots.Aug 13, 13 7pm

Bad and thoughtless driving literally slows everyone else on the road down. Bad and inattentive drivers who drive in the wrong line, talk on cellphones, and don't pay attention to the road should have their license revoked.

More Power RangersAug 3, 13 9pm

I'm excited that another power ranger will be coming back to Meta Con in a few weeks. Michael Copon, also star in One Tree Hill, will be coming back with friends and fellow rangers Nakia Burrise and Jason Faunt.
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