Con Alt Delete is our epic new anime convention in Chicago! We're excited to be hosting one more con at the Sheraton Lisle (formerly Wyndham) that held the super successful Anime Midwest 2012. The hotel staff were all very friendly and accommodating, and the space is the perfect size for about 1,500 people. Everything is easy to find, and ConSweet is right where everyone can get to it.
This year, we're trying a few cool new things! Most notably, the
maid cafe! We've ordered some of the best (cheap, cute, and importantly non-revealing) maid outfits we could find, and we have a really cool script plan for all our maids to learn.
I think it will be really exciting as people enter the maid cafe and experience what we've planned. And if this goes well, we can possibly do it again at a bigger convention.
Other than that, it's our epic formula: awesome guests, really neat staff programming, and tons of side events including video games, tabletop games, and free Ramen.
Looking forward to December 13th, opening day!