Ryan Kopf's Blog

Why you should scuba dive.Jul 26, 8pm

Hey anime nerds, it's been a crazy week in the real world, hasn't it. Joe Biden dropped out of the presidential race and now Kamala Harris is running. And I myself am still too poor to run for Governor of Iowa, so I'll just have to be satisfied that I own of the moon, and leave it at that.

Learning Japanese and Spanish: Importance of language proficiency in businessJul 19, 8pm

In the ever-globalizing world of business, the ability to speak multiple languages has become a crucial asset. For professionals like myself, navigating the complex landscapes of international markets, the importance of language proficiency cannot be overstated.

Why I'm so excited for Anime MidwestJun 21, 9am

This year's Anime Midwest is shaping up to be incredible. Our attendance numbers are strong and our team has been working hard on putting together an awesome show. Our main stage is going to be occupied all the time with our cosplay competitions - with the finale to the Cosplay World Crown on Friday afternoon.

What the President of Anime's Job IsJun 14, 10am

I have people tell me all the time that they wish they had my job. It sounds wonderful - you get to create awesome anime experiences for other nerds who like anime. But if anyone actually wants my job, you're welcome to it, haha.

Supporting Cosplayers at Anime ConventionsJun 7, 8pm

Last year, I really wanted to help support the cosplayers attending and participating in the Cosplay World Crown, and so I had a bunch of snacks set up at Anime Midwest's cosplay contest for the cosplay participants.

Keep your hands off my internet.May 30, 4pm

Most anime fans like me get their anime on the internet. Whether it be from Crunchyroll, Netflix, or somewhere else on the web, all anime fans are connected by the internet. Anime Midwest is coming up soon and we've connected with hundreds of attendees via the internet, for example.

The laws of running a non-profit anime convention.May 24, 6pm

This is Ryan Kopf, the president of AnimeCon.org and your local nerd and anime fan. Anime Minneapolis is coming up this weekend and we're all hands on deck with the convention, shaping up to be a great time and I look forward to seeing some awesome people here.

Protecting seniors and disabled people - from capitalism.May 17, 8pm

Let's talk about something many people call boring - social security. I know it's not related to anime, but the number of anime fans I know who are personally affected is in the thousands. This is because anime reaches people from all walks of life.

Anyone can make a website thanks to WebsiteRaven.comMay 12, 3pm

When I launched WebsiteRaven.

An energy policy our generation needs.May 3, 8pm

Solar panels can be installed without any concrete or unrecyclable parts. Here's a picture of a ground screw installation - at my mom's house. These solar panels don't require big concrete pads poured, they don't use dangerous chemicals, they're made of aluminum, glass, copper.
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