Anyone can make a website thanks to

When I launched, my goal was simple but ambitious: to create an affordable, user-friendly platform that empowers small business owners, artists, and creators to establish their own unique online presence without breaking the bank.

As someone who works with a lot of small businesses – vendors, independant artists, exhibitors, who participate in my anime conventions – I’ve seen too many talented individuals struggle with the high costs of web hosting services. Platforms like Wix,, and Weebly often charge exorbitant fees for services that utilize minimal resources. This disparity didn’t sit right with me, and I knew there had to be a better way.

Creating WebsiteRaven was no small feat. I poured countless hours into developing a site builder that not only prioritizes ease of use and affordability but also gives users direct control over their site’s HTML. This isn’t just about saving money—it’s about offering a tool that provides the freedom to create a website exactly how you envision it, without unnecessary restrictions or bloated features that slow you down.

Speed and efficiency are at the heart of WebsiteRaven. By allowing users to manage the HTML directly, the websites created are lightning-fast and highly responsive. This is crucial, not just for user experience but also for better search engine rankings. A quick-loading site retains visitors and performs better overall—an essential factor in the competitive digital landscape.

But my commitment goes beyond just technical features. I’ve tailored WebsiteRaven to meet the specific needs of various communities, including event organizers, independent artists, and small businesses. Each of these groups has unique requirements and challenges when it comes to online engagement. By understanding and addressing these nuances, WebsiteRaven helps them not just survive, but thrive online.

For example, for anime convention organizers, having a reliable and customizable website is key to managing event details and engaging with the community. WebsiteRaven provides the tools to create dynamic, content-rich sites that can handle everything from ticket sales to event schedules, all while maintaining a personal touch.

Ultimately, is more than just a website builder—it’s a platform born from a desire to level the playing field in digital spaces. It’s about making sure that everyone, regardless of technical skill or financial resources, has the opportunity to share their passion and drive their business forward in the online world. This is my commitment to every user of WebsiteRaven, and I continue to innovate and improve the platform to meet and exceed these promises.

What is HTML and How Do Websites Work?

HTML, or HyperText Markup Language, is the standard language used to create and design web pages. It consists of a series of elements or tags that tell the web browser how to display content. For instance, HTML tags can define headings, paragraphs, links, images, and more. The structure of an HTML document includes a head and body, where the head provides metadata about the document and the body contains the actual content visible to users. When you access a website, your browser reads the HTML code and renders it as a webpage.

Websites operate through a combination of HTML, CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), and often JavaScript, which together form the frontend of a website. CSS is used for styling and layout of the page, while JavaScript adds interactivity. The backend typically involves a server, a database, and applications that process business logic. When you visit a website, your browser sends a request to the server hosting the website, which then responds with the HTML content, which your browser interprets and displays.

Understanding the basic workflow of how websites work is crucial for anyone getting into web development. The server hosts the website’s data and application logic, processes user requests, and sends back the appropriate HTML content. This interaction between the client (browser) and server is the backbone of web functionality, allowing users to experience interactive and dynamic websites.

Benefits of Direct HTML Editing

Direct HTML editing provides unparalleled control over the structure and content of your website, allowing for precise adjustments to the layout, styling, and functionality. This control is essential for web developers and designers who need to implement custom designs and features that are not always possible with what-you-see-is-what-you-get (WYSIWYG) editors. By directly editing HTML, you can optimize the structure for better search engine visibility and faster load times, as unnecessary code often introduced by site builders can be avoided.

Another significant advantage of direct HTML editing is the ability to integrate advanced functionalities without the constraints of a template or platform-specific plugins. Developers can use HTML alongside JavaScript and APIs to create rich, interactive experiences that are tailored exactly to the needs of the website’s audience. This approach not only enhances the user experience but also improves the website’s performance by eliminating bloated code that can slow down the site.

Lastly, having direct access to HTML code fosters a deeper understanding of web development principles among users. It encourages learning and experimentation, key components of growth in coding and web design. For educators and learners alike, direct HTML editing is an invaluable tool that demystifies the web development process and provides a practical, hands-on approach to understanding how the web works.

Guide to Optimizing Your Website for Speed

Optimizing your website for speed is critical in enhancing user experience and improving your site’s ranking in search engine results. One fundamental step is to minimize the size of your HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files. This can be achieved through minification, which removes unnecessary characters from code without changing its functionality. Additionally, combining files where possible reduces the number of HTTP requests that a browser needs to make, speeding up load times.

Another effective strategy is to optimize images on your website. Large images can significantly slow down page loading times. By resizing images to the maximum size they will be displayed and using appropriate file formats, you can reduce image file sizes without compromising quality. Tools like Adobe Photoshop or free online image optimizers can automate this process, ensuring images are optimized for the web.

Lastly, leverage browser caching. This technique allows visitors’ browsers to store copies of your site’s files for faster access on subsequent visits. Implementing browser caching involves setting expiry dates on certain types of files, so the browser doesn’t need to reload them from the server each time the user visits your site. This is particularly effective for websites with static content and can drastically reduce loading times for returning visitors.

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