I'm excited to share that the cons now have a really cool new portable PA system to use at mini-events. This will likely be used for panel rooms, not the mainstage sound, at
the conventions themselves. Possibly special events at con, like Karaoke or other events, might find it useful. We just received it today, so I'm excited to share.
I've been testing it a bit, and it can produce some very lovely sound. Cables are rather minimal, and it has over 900 watts of sounds. Listening to First of the Year sounds wonderful on it, and I'm sure if I could turn it up more, it could really wobble the place (I'll do that later :D). The whole thing was a little over $700, and for those interested in specs, the speakers feature 10" aluminum.
This will likely also power the two cosplay prom events - one in Minneapolis, and one in Chicago. Make sure you're attending one, because they'll sound great. Admission to each one is just $10 per person, and they're going to be at least somewhat formal events. It'll be a pretty fun and unique experience, so join us!